Live-in sober companions are the ultimate solution for those recovering from alcohol or drug dependence who need constant support and guidance. Sometimes, just by being there, live-in sober companions significantly improve a person’s chances of successfully adjusting to their new-found sobriety. A sober companion helps maintain healthy boundaries by acting as a recovering individual’s anchor when attending one-on-one therapy or group sessions with various support groups (such as alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous). Our dedicated team of compassionate and experienced recovery companions is committed to supporting individuals in their journey towards lasting sobriety. Moreover, a sober mentor acts as a role model, demonstrating that long-term recovery is possible and inspiring individuals to believe in their own potential. They share their own experiences and provide insights and wisdom gained from their journey, offering guidance on navigating triggers, building resilience, and fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

how mentorship helps in recovery

sober mentoring

These activities not only preoccupy the mind and body of someone looking to quell the massive urges to take substances again, but they also serve to make a better version of the person after rehab. It affects individuals from all walks of life and geographic locations. These issues must be addressed uniquely with diligent and delicate care.

The Mentor/Mentee Relationship

  • A therapist can provide supportive care for mental health concerns, while a recovery coach helps you implement the homework a therapist might give, as well as provide positive support for the work you do with a therapist.
  • This is particularly true for people who are around others who are heavy drinkers or engage in illicit drug use, or happen to work in an industry where they are exposed to the manufacture or sales of substances they could get addicted to.
  • Many find themselves in a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type situation — at war with themselves — constantly quitting and then relapsing.

That is where sober companions come in, providing benefits you don’t get elsewhere. A transitional sober companion helps set new routines and healthy habits conducive to successful, long-term recovery. Each one aims to support people differently, but they ultimately have the same goal- making recovery more manageable and lasting. Before asking yourself again, « Is a sober coach worth the cost? », check the latest feedback from clients and see how a sober coach has helped them lead healthy lives and enrich their relationships with their families. With the recent trend of self-care and giving premium to a happy life and a healthy lifestyle, the perfect way to start is to stay sober and have a positive mindset throughout.

sober mentoring


sober mentoring

There is no regulation or recognized certification for recovery coaches in the United States. Look for someone who has experience, references, and most of all, who inspires you. Rapport is probably the most important aspect of any mentoring relationship. Lay out your goals and see if their ideas about how to help you reach them feel good to you.

  • Transcend’s sober mentoring program works with clients to create an individualized approach toward continued wellness.
  • Blackburn Recovery is one of the longest standing male sober living homes in West Los Angeles.
  • If someone gives you an emotional ultimatum to get sober, it won’t last.

sober mentoring

A good recovery coach has probably faced many of the problems you are facing. They have dealt with troubles with employment, family, and relationships in their own lives, and have done so while remaining in recovery. They also have experience with the often-overwhelming feelings that surface in early recovery. A recovery coach can provide insight into how to address the issues we all face in life, and how to prioritize your recovery while striving for your goals. Men are not only mentored by Joe Pellow but are also encouraged to mentor one another. Seeing the success of individuals who have been through the same thing helps give newly recovering addicts hope.

  • They either live with the person for a short period until they feel capable of being alone, or they are simply available to them and actively involved in their life as they adjust to daily life outside of a treatment program.
  • Sometimes all that is needed for people to fall into bad habits once more is to have too much idle time.
  • Apart from its comprehensive recovery services and supplementary treatment programs for mental health improvement, Transcend is built by its dedicated staff and support groups.
  • This experience gives him a unique perspective on treating prescription drug addiction.
  • Contacts and referrals are provided to further recovery, and schedules detailing client activity for several days post-treatment are created.
  • This leaves very little to chance, and the person learns to become organized and prepared for contingencies, such as instances that would test a person’s resolve to stay sober.

What Is A Sober Coach?